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סכום ביניים: 120 

מעבר לסל הקניותתשלום



Our story begins on a small farm…

Baldassarre Giacomo Monge was born in 1934, the second of three children. His father, Domenico, had started a poultry business with two golden rules. First of all, optimize costs without spending more than necessary. Secondly, waste nothing – everything must be reworked.

A few years later, and with these principles in mind, Baldassarre would recognise how to turn his family’s experience into a new conception of pet food


Intuition that changed everything

It is a period of great change in Italy and houses throughout the country are welcoming dogs and cats into the household as members of the family nucleus. Baldassarre realises that a change in a pet’s diet is necessary because their nutritional needs are quite different to those of humans.

He introduces a revolutionary new approach and replaces the traditional kitchen leftovers with unused, steam-cooked chicken meat. It is the beginning of Italy’s first petfood company


Breaking the rules

Another game-changing intuition: easy opening.
Up until 1975, canned food and meat has been sold in cans, and required a can opener. In 1975, Monge launches the easy-open, ring pull system for cans to avoid customers getting their fingers dirty and cutting themselves.

And doing so, becomes the first Italian company to use this innovation


The vision becomes tray-shaped.

Monge introduces cat pâté in 100g trays in the Italian market for the first time.
It is a food product and serving format that immediately meets with great success


What is cooking in the oven? Innovation

Monge continues to set records as it optimises production.

Chunkies are oven baked for the first time. Previously, ovens have only been used in the confectionery industry.

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מציג 1–16 מתוך 28 תוצאות

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